Announcing our new name!

Mass Aging Access New Logo

You’ve known us as Mass Home Care for more than 40 years, and now we’re
excited to reintroduce ourselves to you as Mass Aging Access!

Why the change?  Until 1996, Aging Services Access Points had been known
as Home Care Corporations, a term that inspired the original name of our
association when Mass Home Care was formed in 1982.  In 2024, Mass Home
Care relaunched as Mass Aging Access to reflect our network’s expanded role
in providing access not only to home care services but also to a wide variety of
programs and services to support healthy aging and independence at every
stage of life.

With our new name, we also draw attention to our core values


Under this new name, Mass Aging Access continues the organization’s
ongoing efforts to provide education and information on the aging services
network, create one unified voice for our 27 member agencies, advocate for
legislation and funding to support home and community-based services, and to
act as the liaison between our members and the Executive Office of Elder
Affairs (EOEA) and other state agencies.